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Posted on June 21, 2021 @ 8:06 PM < 0 comments >
Assalamualaikum and hello, everyone.
It's me! I'm back!! Back to this blogging world. As you can see, my last post (my only post) was in 2019. Almost 2 years of idling and suddenly I have a resurgence of interest to write again. Thanks to Miss Rona.

I feel like I owe my non-existent readers an explanation regarding my retuning. Why do I choose to write again? Well, to fill my superfluous free time and I just miss writing. I miss the cathartic effect it gives me. God. I miss you so much, dear blog. Sorry for being inconsistent and abandoning you 😢.

I tried to find a new hobby which I DID! Journaling! Hehe influenced by TikTok videos. I spent almost RM200 to buy all sorts of stickers, brush pens, stamps and whatnot. Dedicated a time after Fajr prayer to do it every day. OMG. What a lie. Hahaha it happened for ONLY. ONE DAY. One day guys 🤦🏻‍♀️ And then I got lazy and forgot about it. Mind you, this was in January. Was still studying and had upcoming finals and teaching practice 😬🤭  Manalah sempat kan hehe

Tbh, journaling is fun. Also, tedious. Tedious when I want to record the whole process. Thinking of what kind of content, aesthetic or concept I want to do for that particular page. I don't know how those TikTokers do for every videos. I don't think I can be committed in doing that. Takes up a lottt of time and I had little time before 😛 Or maybe I am not that creative. Haha. And sometimes when I have a lot of references for inspirations, it overwhelms me. I dont't know how to start. Which sticker do I put, which paper do I paste, which tape goes with this whole concept. After choosing, I need to think of where to paste it pulak and how?! like horizontally? vertically? diagonally? Gahh so many things need to consider to finish one page. I just can't do this. Weak. I know. 😭

Imma show you my masterpiece. Tadaaa

My journal is from Typo. Got it for RM10 only 😌👍🏻 And there you go, my masterpiece. What do you think? Bhaha the first page took me almost 2 hours or more. I don't know. I can't remember. Meanwhile, the second one was done recently during Eid. It didn't take long. I used Petit Moi thank-you card and their wrapping paper to create my Eid theme. Also, sticker from dUCk and random ribbon I took from my dad's gift bag to complete the look because I felt like something needed to be put on the top corner. I think it complements everything. So, yay.

From what I noticed, my journaling journey has made me become a hoarder. I hoard tissue paper (the one in gift bag), tags, ribbons, cards and anything that I think can be use for my journal lol. The problem here is all the materials just keep accumulating, but I don't continue to journal. Sigh. And before you think I stopped journaling at the second page, lemme stop you there. I did continue. I am not that lazy 🤪🤪 Come on haha I have another 4 pages filled but it is personal and one of it is a failed artwork haha I would rather not show it to the world. I will continue to journal but not making it as my hobby. I will take my own sweet time to make it to the last page 😜

So, that's that. Whatever hobby I try to pick up, writing always come back to me. Writing here makes me feel like home. Back to a familiar place. It's truly HOME to me. Nak nangis 😢 Emo 🥺 I really sayang my blog and I love what I'm doing now. It doesn't matter if no one is going to read this. I like talking to myself lol what matters is my own satisfaction of expressing myself and putting my feelings into words. That has always been my purpose. I think that is all for me for this post. Till next post okie! Byebye

With so much love, 

P.S.  I have a 2019 draft about my second day orientation but honestly, I could not remember much details on that day to continue haha I am planning to write more about my Erasmus experience, so maybe I will just compile or whatever. We'll see hehehe